| 1. | 3d motion simulator design for the antenna stabilized system 用于天线稳定系统的三维运动模拟器设计 |
| 2. | The stabilizing system of the spine consists of passive , active and neutral control subsystems 脊柱的稳定系统由被动系统、主动系统和神经控制系统组成。 |
| 3. | In the experiments , we approve the feasibility of the theory of dynamic optics in the stabilizing system of seeker 原理样机完成后,在实验中验证了应用动态光学理论于导引头稳定系统的可行性。 |
| 4. | In addition , this paper succeeful design a ship - borne antenna stabilized system , introduce the hardware design and debug process 此外,本文还成功地设计了一套用于海上卫星通信的船载天线稳定跟踪系统,详细介绍了其硬件设计思想和调试过程。 |
| 5. | The frequency - stability of an al ] - solid - state nd : yvo4 laser is significantly improved by means of a specially designed f - p interferometer used for the frequency standard in the frequency - stabilizing system 利用f ? p ( fabry - perot )腔作为频率参考标准的激光稳频系统,是长期以来使用的一种简单而有效的装置。 |
| 6. | Diagnosis of lumbar segmental instability may also be based on the patient ' s history , plain radiographs and examination findings , as they can address the neutral zone and the stabilizing system 因为临床表现、腰椎正侧位片和体格检查可以反应脊柱的中性区城和稳定系统,所以能作为诊断腰椎节段性失稳的依据。 |
| 7. | Based on the theory about synthesis of angular velocity and acceleration with liner accelerometers , this paper discusses the application of accelerometers and the non - gyroscope platform stabilized system uses accelerometer instead of gyroscope in moep 本文以线加速度合成角速度、角加速度的理论为基础,探讨了加速度计在平台稳定系统中的应用,为加速度计替代陀螺构成无陀螺平台稳定系统奠定了基础。 |
| 8. | Lumbar segmental instability is defined as a decrease in the capacity of the stabilizing system of the spine of maintaining the spinal neutral zone within physiological limits , so that there are neurological deficit , majo deformity and incapacitating pain 腰椎节段性失稳的定义是在生理载荷下,脊柱的稳定系统将脊柱运动的中性区域维持在生理范围内的能力减退,从而出现脊柱的畸形、神经症状和不能忍受的疼痛。 |
| 9. | In this paper , from the basis of the geological and physical model of this landslide stabilizing system , the mechanical and mathematical model of piles with pre - stressed anchor cables have been set up , which establishes the foundation of the calculation for the structure design of the system 本文将从这种治理措施的地质与物理模型出发,建立其力学与数学模型,并最终得到其内力分布的解析解,为其结构设计奠定基础。 |